Message Number: SG3905 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-04-07 12:24:25 UTC
Subject: ALT results
Message-ID: <11677852.1049718265746.JavaMail.root@scandium>

Would an ALT of over 8,000, be indicative of liver disease and not just starvation seen from not eating well? I just had a 5 year old ferret put to sleep and am now second guessing myself. He had been slowly going down hill, yesterday the vet felt a large mass, we decided to wait for the lab results before doing an exploratory. When the ALT came back as 8,000 the vet suggested we let him go, as she did not think he would survive surgery. This is an experienced ferret vet I might add. I just want to know if that high of an ALT suggests irreversible liver damage.

Thank you.