Message Number: SG3938 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-04-09 14:33:53 UTC
Subject: RE: Periactin to stimulate appetite? Not needed now!
Message-ID: <25425698.1049898833138.JavaMail.root@scandium>

Thank you for the suggestions.

> The 5.5 year old ferret is slowly recovering but now refuses
>to eat.

Sukie and Troy Lynn were spot on. It turned out that her vet did not check the potassium and sodium in his most recent bloodwork. Armed with your advice, she asked for those tests to be done. I don't know the exact numbers but they were enough off that the vet immediately gave a shot of DCOP last evening. The ferret was hospitalized and fluids started.

As of this morning, the ferret is willingly eating both soup and hard food again! The ferret will be going back in every few weeks for follow-up shots and has been put on antibiotics.

My friend said "Huge relief. Feel like celebrating. . .".

Thank you all!
