Message Number: SG3983 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-04-11 21:56:33 UTC
Subject: Abnormal Blood Values. Any Ideas?
Message-ID: <20432968.1050098193500.JavaMail.root@scandium>

Hello Everyone.

(Hopefully this one doesn't get lost.)

This is about the 3 y/o who ingested (and passed) a piece of semi-soft plastic about a month ago. We saw her regular vet last week for bloodwork and a follow-up barium x-ray. X-ray was fine but bloodwork isn't. Her vet is perplexed and suggested I ask the Internet community.

History: Suspected food allergy. She is currently back on turkey baby food (was back on kibble after passing the plastic). She won't eat any of the low-allergen cat foods. Her stomach empties at a slower than normal rate and she's had Ivermectin injections in the past for suspected EE/EG. History of elevated Creatinine, Globulin, Total Protein and Eosinophils. BUN is sometimes elevated. USG regularly tests at the low end (1.010-1.022). Phosphorous has been okay. She is ADV negative (United). She just finished a 7 day course of Metronidazole.

Abnormal Values:
CK - 72 RR: 98-564 IU/L Low
TP - 6.5 RR: 4.3-6.0 g/dl High
Globulin - 3.0 RR: 0.2-2.4 g/dl High
Crea - 1.3 RR: 0.4-0.9 mg/dl High
Glucose - 81 RR: 120-144 mg/dl Low
WBC - 3.2 RR: 3.5-7.0 THOUS./ul Low
HGB - 21.4 RR: 12-18 g/dl High
HCT - 60.0 RR: 43-55 % High
Eosinophil - 5 RR: 0-1 % High
Basophil - 2 RR: 0-1 % High
Abs Eosinophil - 160

Her vet is mainly concerned about the Creatinine and Globulin, and I'd like to know if a urine sample via cystocentesis is necessary to evaluate kidney function. We're not too concerned about the glucose because it had been 3 hrs since she last ate and the sample wasn't tested right away.

What might these particular blood values mean? Any ideas or suggestions? All info is very much appreciated. Thanks.