Message Number: SG3995 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-04-12 20:33:25 UTC
Subject: should I go ahead & feed / H20?
Message-ID: <1740826.1050179605794.JavaMail.root@scandium>

My 3yr old female albino went to the vet's this AM due to vomitting, lethargy, refusing food & water. She has a slight elevated temp, bacteria in stool, & no apparent blockage on exam (no x-ray). He gave her sub Q fluids & shot of baytril, with instructions for nothing by mouth until tomorrow early AM, then softened food, water, and oral baytril.

Here's my question . . . we're now only 8 hours from the vet visit. She slept most of the time, up to use the box but mostly slept. But after the 8 hours, she appears to have much more energy, playing with toys and climbing up the furniture. And she is seeking water, looking for the water bottles and going over to where the guys are fed outside the cages. I mean really seeking out water. At one point she was licking the moisture off my wrists after I washed my hands! I gave her about a coke bottle top's worth of plain water, with no vomitting after an hour or so, but should I have done this?

I'll called the vet, but there is another Doc covering his on-call. This vet said to follow previous instructions. Any thoughts? My intuition is to follow the critter's signs, but I'm not a doc & maybe there's a medical reason for NPO for now, i.e. to allow her GI tract to calm a bit. Any thoughts are appreciated.
