Message Number: SG4045 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-04-15 17:21:09 UTC
Subject: RE: vomiting ferret with dangerously low blood sugar (like 29)
Message-ID: <13323084.1050427269374.JavaMail.root@scandium>

I have never had a ferret with insulinoma vomit, and I've had a few. However, since it can make them nauseated, I suppose it can happen.

I would think that with a blood glucose of 30, you should be seeing some of the classic symptoms of insulinoma. One of mine had glucose readings in the upper 20's to low 30's and was asymptomatic most of the time but he did exhibit symptoms on occasion and he wasn't a bundle of energy.

It definitely warrants retesting and close watching to make sure she's not having symptoms when you're not around to see them.


Author wrote:
> Sparky and her playmate were being their usual playful, fun selves when all of a sudden, Sparky vomited. At first I thought it was just excitement but then she did it again. Took her right to the vet where he did a blood sugar test on her and her sugar was at something dangerously low like 29. But her vet was baffled because she was very energetic and didn't act like a sick ferret. We rechecked a blood sugar after 5 days and it was still very low, 30 I think.
> So even though she acts fine, he thinks she has some sort of pancreatic cancer.
> Why would the vet think that? It sounds insulinomic to me.