Message Number: SG4064 | New FHL Archives Search
From: "April Armstrong Campbell"
Date: 2003-04-17 00:14:08 UTC
Subject: vomiting and insulinoma
To: <>
Message-ID: <>

"I have never had a ferret with insulinoma vomit, and I've had a few. Howe=
ver, since it can make them nauseated, I suppose it can happen."

Hi, all. It sure can. My Marley just had a partial pancreatectomy for ins=
ulinoma, about three weeks after initial signs and diagnosis (I work at a v=
et, so sometimes it is a little easier for me to take action on things I no=
tice quickly), and in addition to his lethargy and disinterest, his symptom=
s included vomiting and drooling.

By the by, he is two weeks post op and doing great, with a lab-tested 1.5 h=
our post prandial blood glucose of 127 two days ago. Yay! He also had a w=
eird, as-yet-unexplained cauliflowered mass on his duodenum upon surgery, w=
hich was removed and biopsied; we're still awaiting more definitive results=
, but the vet got good margins on it and is pretty positive it's all out.

-April AC