Date: 2003-04-23 21:45:21 UTC
Subject: Ear Wax and Ferret "Odor"
Message-ID: <12924674.1051134321610.JavaMail.root@scandium>
I am new to ferrets, and I realize these are not life threatening health pr=
oblem questions. !But! I know ear wax build up could cause future problems=
such as mites, infections and deafness. My Skye has tons of ear wax. I a=
m experienced with mostly dogs and cats. I don't have a problem with clean=
ing and noticing signs and symptoms. And I'd prefer not to have to treat a=
whole houseful of cats and ferrets if they get mites from this problem. I=
have read that some ferrets only need once a month ear cleaning, but some =
weekly?? Skye's been to the vet (end of March) for his shots and check up =
and she said no mites, ears ok (and complimented me on nails and his good b=
ehavior and health! so far so good!). When I went in to look at him to buy=
, I also checked ears, eyes, nose, belly and so on for health. But then I =
noticed he was getting more and more wax! Is this just one of those normal=
"things"? His wax is reddish brown and stinky, not blackish/dark brown in=
dicating mite waste. his cage mate Willow shows no signs of mites (and tha=
nkfully, less build up!), nor the cats, who they both play with often. I wa=
s wondering how often is prudent to clean his ears as he gets uncomfortable=
from build up (scratching, shaking his head after doing so, doing the craz=
y itch dance out of a dead sleep, but no head tilt, redness, draining or FR=
EQUENT ear scratching/shaking) Is weekly ok? What cleaning solution is be=
st? I used Sheppard and Greene Ferret Ear Wash (I noticed most products all=
have pretty much the same ingredients and bought something that said "ferr=
et") Would a cat/kitten ear cleaner be better? Any idea if anything can ke=
ep the build up down? (: Maybe wishful thinking on my part. I only ask be=
cause it is often I need to clean his ears, lots of gunk. I need to add a =
couple drops (warmed from the bottle being under warm tap water) and scruff=
him before he shakes to let it loosen up, then I go around with a swab moi=
stened in solution to get the bits and gunk left over from his shaking. Sk=
ye is much happier (comfortable) when they are done. I just don't want to i=
rritate him, his ears, or make it a "bad thing" from over cleaning. He get=
s his treat during and after. I'm keeping track of the times I need to cle=
an on a calendar. Willow doesn't go in until next month for his shots and =
check up, so any information or advice from long time ferret owners for Sky=
e's ears would be very appreciated until I can ask my vet! Next question. =
Oddly enough, Skye does not have a strong "odor" to him, I don't need to ba=
the him once a month and prefer not to strip coat, just spot washes with a =
cloth after getting into things. (every other month a full bath, monthly =
nails and ears) I thought something was wrong from Skye not having the mu=
sky odor which I actually like, but neither does Willow. I realize descen=
ting reduces it, but they barely smell ferrety! I have only had a few time=
s to let them enjoy free swim in a shallow litter pan, but they get to get =
in and out themselves and don't really submerge their whole bodies, just th=
eir heads to snorkel (is this causing Skye's wax buildup?? water bowls are=
a magnet for them both too) The vet even remarked on this and asked if Sk=
ye had a bath before he came. I'd only bathed him after I brought him home=
over a month previous to the visit, and noticed myself he barely had an od=
or. One of my boys I could see, but both? And I read that oils build up f=
aster after a bath. Willow is almost a carbon copy of Skye, but from a dif=
ferent litter. Both are Marshall Farms babies. Also, they are Butterscotch=
/Chocolate (no red/Cinnamon), Siamese markings, male and both are under a y=
ear old. Thank you for reading! Sorry if this is long winded, I am new and=
read this service all the time to get ferret smarts and advice for the fut=
ure. Do these "traits" have anything to do with colors, breed? (If anyone =
could direct me to colors and markings, it would be helpful, I am curious a=
s to the types and kinds they come in)
Andrea & Skye & Willow