Message Number: SG4253 | New FHL Archives Search
From: "scott sinclair"
Date: 2003-04-25 00:18:39 UTC
Subject: new nutrition?
Message-ID: <2263554.1051233897220.JavaMail.nobody@magnesium>

I'm just hearing from my vet about a new (to her and thus to me)feed
called Wysong? What's the scoop out there? We currently mix a bit of
everything from Innova kitten to Zupreem to Marshalls as a base
mix...basically shooting for the high fat, high protein diet that is more
meat based than grain...and since at least half of our tribe is senior...we
augment with my own concoction "duck soup" recipe that has the high
cal ensure (1 can), A/D (6 std. cans), chicken (either in baby food (6 jars)
or cooked down whole bird form (boned and liquified)), chicken broth (2
12oz cans), 2-3 cups of the mixed ferret kibble soaked and liquified, a
squirt of ferrettone and a few ribbons of ferretvite. The older guys/gals
get 10/20cc of the soup twice a day and then are free to roam the
regular bowls as they want. The young ones only get the regular diet
offered with a few non-sugar treats like Bandits or Chicken Jerky.

Do we need to obscess further over furball food fitness? And, yes,
insulinoma problems have been what I consider to be more than
common in our animals over the years (at least our original
pack)although the sweets from raisins and such treats were only
eliminated a few years only our youngest will show if the
current diet reduces our seemingly endless problems with the big "I".
Longevity seems to be on the rise here and I'm happy to report that we
now have seniors in the 7-8 range and going for 9. Can't wait for a 10th
BD someday!

Putorius and the gang of 10...Bodie, Bounder, Bopper, BonBon, Brando
(yup...he's a whopper) and the "B"...oh, wait...the "other" team...Bonnie,
Bumper, Casio, Clyde and WINGNUT (constantly "spun up")!

Bubba, Blizzard, Beeper, Cindy (she had a mole on her cheek) and
ABBA the dancing Queen patiently await all of us at the rainbow bridge!
