Message Number: SG4260 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Steve Austin
Date: 2003-04-27 04:12:02 UTC
Subject: too thin
Message-ID: <>

I have a foster ferret who came in on the thin side, he is
about 5 1/2 years old with no known medical problems so I
figured with time, a better diet, etc he would be fine.
He is still too thin.
Active, although goes back to sleep after 1/2 hour or so.
Eats, but at first not so great, for about a month seems to be eating
He is having normal stools, and every so often he does vomit a little
maybe once a week. I do give him a little chicken gravy once a day,
he likes.

I figure he should go back to the vet, but don't want to spend a lot
doing unnecessary tests. He is up for adoption to a special home with
the understanding he is not in perfect health if the vet check goes
well, he really doesn't seem ill.

I was thinking about some kind of cancer, where he may eat well but
just needs more calories due to the unknown cancer somewhere.
Partial blockage

I am fairly sure it is not insulinoma, or adrenal disease.

Any other ideas, or a way to start the work up, besides some
basic blood tests?



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