Message Number: SG4351 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-05-04 14:42:07 UTC
Subject: RE: my goodness! could something be wrong?
Message-ID: <4579396.1052067840162.JavaMail.nobody@magnesium>

I have recently seen the same symptom in my 8 month old sable, Spencer. He
has lost noticable amounts of weight recently. He is also very active and I see
him eat on a regular basis. His housemate, Val, who is only 5 months old is
getting huge. I wonder if the younger one is keeping Spencer from eating as
much as he did in the past.

Is it normal for a ferret to lose weight in the spring?

Author wrote:
> My two 1/2 year old sable, Peter Carlos, has gone from 3.2 lbs to 2.8 lbs
since January. He is active, playful, eating alot,