Message Number: SG4602 | New FHL Archives Search
From: anna walker
Date: 2003-05-20 13:12:41 UTC
Subject: Wee Wee rubbing ??
Message-Id: <>

Jesse (the one I've posted before who has Cardiomyopathy) will go around and
rub his wee wee on anything that is low enough for him to craw over, He
don't care if it is my basket with a colt laying in it or the big rock on
the porch with a bird house on it or MY SHOE or the rocking chair base, is
there something wrong with him that needs checked out? he has been doining
it for a long time and I was told that were he was still intact when I got
him but know he's fixed that he was still marking his spots so I never asked
before but I'm asking now is there something wrong? Thank you
anna and Jesse