Message Number: SG4644 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-05-22 22:28:15 UTC
Subject: Frequent Urination
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Our ferret Pumbaa seems to be having a problem recently. I noticed that
after he was playing on our bathroom floor, white tile, that he left a couple of
puddles of urine and they had a brown tint to them. This has only happened the
one time though. Now his urine seems to be a bright yellow and he is
urinating far more often than usual. I am not sure that he is actually going each
time, but he is certainly trying. As another member mentioned in a post, I can
also feel in his abdominal area but feel nothing unusual to the layman. He
does seem to try to go pee almost immediately after I have done this and put him
down. He has not been diagnosed with adrenal, but he has started loosing the
hair on his tail a couple of times over the past several years, but it has
grown back in very nicely.

Any ideas?

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