Message Number: SG4680 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-05-25 22:21:13 UTC
Subject: 4 mos lupron and nausea
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Hello fine ferret-peeps. Eeyore is on the 4 mos. lupron depot. The vet said it could last up to 6 mos. But, obviously it most likely will run out at 4 mos. Now Eeyore has started itching a little (currently we are about 1 week away from 4 mos.) Compared to not itching at all previously..So I am ready for the itch to be more then a here and there and she is in for her next dose. My QUESTION is this: Ee has been showing signs of nausea this past few days...Is nausea a sign the shot is wearing down - could it be a symptom caused by the hormonal changes happening at the wear off of her shot or should it be addressed as something completly different. NOTE: Ee has IBD and I recently starting giving her nupro and taurine added into her gerber diet. Her pooie is better and she has more energy so maybe the nausea can be attributed to the adjustment in her diet?


End of ferrethealth Digest