Message Number: SG4795 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-06-02 19:47:42 UTC
Subject: RE: ECE re-infection / strain resistance
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Thank you for your kind response. Also thanks to Steve Austin and "Sprite" for their detailed e-mails sent direct to me. All very helpfull.
I also have trouble with the yahoo/SG interface but yahoo will not do anything about it.
Thank you for replying in bullet format to each question.
As of today, both Sam II and Max II have improved greatly with their stool samples. Intake of food and water has remained high.
I want to post some observations to benefit others. When Max II turned against her treat (MF FerretLax) I knew she would develope ECE as Sam I had done when she contracted it. With Sam I, I did not realize the symptom and hesitated before treatment. This was a hugh error. When the first symptoms developes one must act aggresively from day one. I did not do this with Sam I and she lost weight and decrease eating so gradual that I missed it. I could never catch up with the weight loss and she lost half of her body mass. I knew she had ECE because she had all the classic symptoms as does now, Sam II and Max II.
Even though they may be eating kibble OK, I still give Gurbers Baby Chicken to supplement. Also, 1/2 cc of Pepto Bismo per day. Also unflavored Pedialite mixed in with the chicken. This seems to make digestion of the kibble better. Also needed is two (2), 5cc syringe' to admin the foods/meds that will not intake by mouth. Scruffing and then slowly injecting in the side of the mouth ( between the upper and lower teeth half way between the molars and the canine' is an opening that allows this). Drop by drop they will swallow and with every third ingestion, inject some water/Pedialite with the other syringe to smooth it down. This prevents shaking out meds all over yourself and prevents vomiting as well.
Also it is imparitive that weight be monitored accurately daily. You must have a digital food balance to do this. Platform balances are to difficult to operate with a ferret in motion, so you need a digital. You must average the readings to get a result. Setting the ballance on the gram scale option (vise lbs/oz option) is much eaiser. A daily log must be keep to measure loss. Weight the same time daily and if loss occurs increase the chicken/Pedialite. A cheap scale can be purchase at BBB for $30 (vise $80 to $150 elsewhere) and is worth the cost. You should weight your ferrets weekly anyway.
FerretLax is given as a treat in a very small amount of
1/2 cc per day which is spread on a toy bear with a bell attached. This gives play/pleasure when ringing the bell. Intake improves stool passing and formation and has no effect in a the sense of a true laxitive. During shedding I give a 1 inch ribbon every other day and I also pluck the guard hairs which results in a shed of about 1 week (vise 1 month).
Your observation of ECE being harboured as a low level virus until a stress factor is introduced is of great help (which promotes the symptomatic devolpment of ECE post infection). I did question mother about this and she does remember a green stool about 3 months ago that passed with no further symptoms. I did suspect that when Sam II was brought home that she would and did in fact develop ECE.
It is nice to know that a vacine is being activly persued by Dr. Matti Kiupel and I would like to know more about his investigative method. In the interim, sanitary dis-infection methods must be used. Basic cleaning is not enought.
As to my local vet, he is not a specialists in ferrets. He understands anatomy and basic symptoms, but lacks details. In fact he consults me for advice. I direct him to the various sites for consultation and usually only ask him for Rx'.
Cheers !!!
Gene Weber