Message Number: SG4957 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Pam Sessoms
Date: 2003-06-10 17:01:19 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Bailey / Neurological Problems
Message-ID: <>

> looking at full body xrays, we found a calcified tumor or cyst located
> underneath his first and second vertibrate.
> ... I am afraid that whatever this mass is has invaded his spinal cord
> and has caused his neurological symptoms.

It sounds like you and your vet are doing a great job... You've done
a full blood panel and started treatment for the more likely things (ear
infection) that could cause the symptoms... Usually I think about
insulinoma as the major culprit with neuro problems in ferrets, but
Bailey's signs sound so extreme, and you have a normal blood sugar.

I'd be worried about whatever it is showing up in that xray too...
Chordomas can occur anywhere along the spine, and the ones that aren't
localized in the tail (where complete removal can easily happen) are
invasive beasts that do get into the vertebral bodies and cause terrible
problems. Dr. Williams mentions this on his web page at:
(it cites a paper about cervical chordomas you might want to obtain)

There are other tumors besides chordomas that can appear around the spine,
but they're much more rare; a post or two is in the archives. I'll cross
my fingers that this isn't it and that you and your vet's careful work
finds some other cause.

Best wishes,
-Pam S.