"Joanne D'Amico"
Date: 2003-06-11 01:30:45 UTC
Subject: RE: Vena cava ligation chances? referrals?
To: <>
Message-ID: <006f01c32fb9$1455ac00$210110ac@OFFICE>
I have had five ferrets that needed bilateral adrenalectomies and vena cava=
ligation. All did well post op with meds (Florinef and Pred). Only one bio=
psy came back as sarcoma, lived another 5 years, did finally developed CA o=
f the liver, but after so long, it could have been a totally new, unrelated=
thing. One of my ferrets that had a single left adrenal out, biopsy positi=
ve for CA, but it looked like a clean excision, clear margins, etc., had me=
tastasis, lost her about 18 months later. I am thankful that I have had a g=
reat vet and some very good luck - haven't lost any to the surgery, did get=
to keep them a while longer. The oldest was around 7 years old, but in gre=
at shape, so we went for it, and he did fine.