Message Number: SG5002 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-06-14 04:52:56 UTC
Subject: Chiclet's test results so far as requested
Message-ID: <>

I just took her to another vet today. This vet looked at
the results of her last blood tests and ordered another. She said that
she would call me tomorrow morning with the results. She thinks it might
be lyphosarcoma. My baby's lymphocites were at 65%, 5170. She says if
the results are just as high or higher thats bad. Is there anything you
can do for this?
Thank you for replying and your care,

From: Sukie Crandall <>
Message-id: <a06001203bb104cdec6cf@[]>

6/10 (Nodal aspirates)

Microscopic Description: The two submitted smears are moderately
cellular and consist of mature lymphocytes occurring singly or in
sheetswith moderate numbers of nondegenerate to degenerate
nuetrophils, histocytes, and macrophages containing lipid and
phagocytized white cells. Organism and overt neoplasia are not
observed. Background is moderately hemodiluted, with scattered
ruptured cells.

Microscopic Findings. Swelling, popliteal area. Chronic suppurative

Comment. Findings indicate chronic suppurative lymphadentis.
Etiologic agents and neoplastic cells are not seen. Recommend
bacterial culture and sensitivity testing to rule out bacterial
infection. This lymph node may also be draining an area with a
suppurative lesion. Suggest clinical correlation."

6/10 (Blood) (Abbreviations for "Reference Range" as "RR" and
"units" as "U"are mine and I have to substitute similar letters for
some symbols and I have to write "cubed". You can see why the 13.5
raised eyebrows since 13,500 is a spooky number.)

"Hemoglobin 10.9 (LOW) RR 13.0-18.0 U g/dL
Hematocrit 35.3 (LOW) RR 43.0-55.0 U %
WBC 13.5 (HIGH) RR 2.5-8.0 U 10 cubed/uL
RBC 6.80 RR 6.5-11.0 U 10 cubed/ uL
MCV 52 RR 46-65
MCH 16.0 RR 15.5-19.0
MCHC 30.9 RR 29-36
Platlet Count 138 (LOW) RR 300-700 U 10 cubed/uL
Platlet clumps are detected in this sample. Platlet clumping
prevents precise determination of a platlet count (by any method) and
falsely decreases the platlet number. The reported count reflects
the MINIMUM platelet number. The platelet estimate reflects the
estimates contribution of the platlet clumps.

Platelet estimate Adequate

Differential Absolute %
Neutrophils 9990 74
Bands 0
Lyphocytes 2160 16
Monocytes 1350 10
Eosinophils 0
Basophils 0"

The rest of the categories have no numbers then

" A review of the pheripheral blood smear confirms the CBC results reported.

Platelets are present but found in clumps.

Mostly mature leukocytes observed in the smear.

Evaluate these findings in conjunction with clinical findings"

6/5 (Nodal aspirates done hours after the node first got large -- in
it's first days the node was so large that her leg was stuck in one
position by it's size and hardness) This report has a transmission
flaw with a blank stripe of about 3 letters wide down it so I will
put some partial letters in "(?)" and will put in " ---" where the
stripe lost text rather than risk an assumption error even though I
think I can fill in most blanks.

Mic---copic Description: Four submittted smears are examined, are
si(m?)---are of low to moderate celluraity, and consist primarily of
act---ed to epithelioid macrophages, with low to moderate numbers of
no(n?)---generative neutophils, small to reactive lymphocytes, and
mildly ple---orphic spindloid cells, in a background of moderate
cellular, nu---proteinaceous and miscellaneaous debris, and moderate
blood. No def---ve organisms (bacteria, yeast, fungal hyphae, etc.)
or overt evi---ce of neoplasia noted.

Mi(c?)---(s?)copic Findings: R popliteal lymph node aspirate:
Chronic mixed infl---mation; sepsis not determined

Co---ent. No significant lymphoid tissue is evident to confirm lymph
no---(a?)spiration. No specific cause for this chronic/active
infl---mation is evident. Differentials include but are not limited
to ch---c bacterial infection, foreign body reaction, fungal
infection (no---seen), parasitic reaction (e.g. insect/tick bite,
No---foliating neoplasia cannot be ruled out. Correlate with
cli(n?)---l findings and consider excision/incisional biopsy for
fur---r evaluation."

So, that is it. Until we get the splenic results these are what we
have for test results on six month old Chiclet.

She is improving but is still extremely tired. She's eating kibble
on and off along with soup and walking as far as maybe 3 feet though
very slowly. The node is decreasing and doing so quite rapidly now
and Friday (10th day i guess) her fever finally stayed below 105'F.
She is having Clavamox, injected Baytril, and since she began
grinding also having Carafate. Ultraound did not find any tumors or
any infection site... Her hydration is good and except when very
tired she is bright eyed, and she is finally talking back to us when
things she dislikes are done so she is getting her spirit back. We
are trying to make sure that she doesn't get depressed now because
she is improved enough to do so given how little she can manage so we
are working on keeping her entertained, too.