Message Number: SG5200 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-07-03 14:34:40 UTC
Subject: What is "DIC"?
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Hi all,

I had a ferret pass recently and after talking to the vet, he said he thought there might have been complications from DIC but he either didn't explain it well or I just didn't understand it because at the time I was rather upset. Linus had suffered from insulinoma for a long time and wasn't a surgical candidate and the medications had slowly ceased to be effective even at increased doses, so I wasn't exactly unprepared. However, when the time came, I wasn't able to make it to the vet in time and there were things about his passing that made me think there was something more going on than insulinoma. When I talked to the vet, he said the things I was describing sounded like this condition called DIC.
My questions for the group are: Can anyone explain this condition? Is there any way to determine the existence of the condition in a ferret before it is too late (obvious symptoms / diagnostic tests)? And finally, if a ferret is able to be diagnosed, what would the treatment options be? I'd rather not have one of my ferrets go thorough that again if it's able to be avoided. Thanks