Message Number: SG5222 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-07-06 19:12:55 UTC
Subject: Thanks Dr. Williams & Thinking outside the box pays off
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Hello! Just wanted to send a big THANKS to you Dr. Williams and also Dr. Kemmerer in Gainesville, FL. My little Maggie is doing so much better! I have taken her now to see Dr. Kemmerer a total of three times. Never needed to do a blood transfusion. When Dr. Kemmerer first looked at Maggie her words were "that doesn't look like a ferret with Hemolytic Anemia." So I guess she had said this because Maggie had improved so much within those first 4 days. Dr. Kemmerer did another blood work up on her four days after she had her first done and after being on the Clavamox and Liquid Tenic (sp?) Maggie's blood levels were back to normal. Took her back another time for another blood work up and still showed signs of improvement.

Dr. Kemmerer also did a smear and no parasites were found. She could not quite figure out what caused these crazy symptoms in Maggie. The only thing we could figure was maybe a flea or a mosquito. Since the whole scare with illnesses from Mosquitos, she gave her a shot of cortizone to help her out even more and also some Doxycycline.

Maggie is doing much better and is almost back to her mischevious self. In to everything. haha! I'm just very thankful to my friend Larry who recommended this website to me and I am glad that I went with my gut feeling in seeking a second opinion.

Thanks so much for your insight! I know all of us ferret owners can't say thank you enough!

Karen & Maggie