Date: 2003-07-07 17:37:58 UTC
Subject: RE: Chiclet: severe infection and cellulitis
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Last night Chiclet began sleeping in a more ferret-normal position, today she began holding up her head more than short times and she turned herself around without having gone to the bathroom in her bedding. She is much more alert. Right now we are trying to convince her to go to sleep so that she doesn't wear herself out. Then after she has slept we'll do some interesting things again. It's wonderful progress and right now being able to do these things is major progress.
She is still eating extremely well from an accordion top Dr. Clown Face Spoondropper . Maybe she'll be able to eat from a spoon soon. These are great droppers -- marvelous level of control, easy fill and easy clean, and I can use it in front of her and let HER control when she wants to eat or not so no forcing and no choking. She is eating large meals this way -- even burping. Although this manufacturer normally sells to pharmacies I know they will sell bulk to others because when our local pharmacy stopped carrying them we bought a huge number for ourselves, some area shelters, and baby gifts years ago. Now we're almost out of our private supply (but have enough for our needs), but you can take along a print-out of that webpage and ask your local pharmacies, ferret supply places, etc. if you are interested.
Of course, this type of feeding should be reserved only for the very, very ill for whom patient finger-feedings, spoon feedings, and bowl feedings don't work. Force feedings are dangerous; the risk of aspiration pneumonia is always there so avoiding those is a health plus.