Message Number: SG5289 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-07-11 01:50:24 UTC
Subject: RE: Fasting Blood Glucose Levels
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Check his stomach.

It is possible for a partial blockage in the stomach to cause a range of symptoms: enlarging the spleen if infection has set in, throwing off the liver values if the liver has inflammation secondary to it, and -- yes -- even throwing off the pancreas.

Certainly, it is possible that the ferret has multiple things going on, but maybe there is a common cause and we've sure seen all of what you mention secondary to problems from large fur balls that needed surgical removal.

If the labs or transport the labs had the blood sitting aorund too long that would lower the blood glucose levels, but I would not automatically discount that insulinoma may be present. It behaves differently is differenet ferrets when it in early stages.