Message Number: SG5302 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-07-11 11:35:08 UTC
Subject: RE: Fasting Blood Glucose Levels
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Well the first BG we did earlier in the week was 61 and after he had antibiotics
for a few days it was 65. His spleen has also dramatically gone down. It makes
me mad the lab messed up his bloodwork and he went rhoufh all that for
nothing. I am still not convinced he has insulinoma. We had two ferrets that
had it and his symptoms, or lack of now, just don't add up. He is 100% back to
normal if not better. I am making sure he eats every few hours to make sure
his blood sugar is kept up. We are going to finish off his antibiotics and test his
BG again to see of it goes higher still, or hopefully normal. There are bacterial
infections, like Helicobacter that can mess with the BG levels.