Message Number: SG5333 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Sukie Crandall
Date: 2003-07-12 22:02:11 UTC
Subject: Re: Post insulinoma sx--Needs another?-HELP
Message-id: <a06001a03bb363509864e@[]>

Well, it sounds like you need to wait for the pathology to come back
to know for sure what you are dealing with but I have a suggestion
that may help.

If what is being given is Prednisone rather than Prednisolone ask the
vet to prescribe Prednisolone instead. Prednisone has an extra step
using the liver and some individuals, especially if the liver is
compromised don't process it well. Prednisolone skips that step. We
had one with a different problem for whom Prednisone may as well have
been water, but Prednisolone worked wonders.