Message Number: SG5460 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Steve Austin
Date: 2003-07-22 17:38:10 UTC
Subject: if it's Adrenal Disease/part 2
Message-ID: <>

I have heard of a few cases where there was adrenal signs and normal
looking adrenal glands, and then a few months later signs progressed and
a second surgery was done. So, maybe some vets want to be sure that
they will get in there and be able to see which adrenal is clearly
Also, some vets who don't do a lot of ferrets will be more likely to wait
those who see tons.

The first time I got a rescue with small dime shape hair loss, three vets
to wait, including my regular vet ( none were big time ferret vets), the
grew back and since she was a recent rescue I didn't know if it was
"diet" related
( which now I know is not ever the case) and the following shed season
lost all of her fur ( well about 1/2 and quickly) , no one was in doubt
any more.

I have found that with personal ferrets I will wait a little, with
rescues I don't wait
because it is usually on going for months or years with rescues.
Males I won't wait so long as females. Just my own preferences when I do

Now that my vet is more used to me and vice versa, I can just call him up
and schedule the surgery and he doesn't even ask. Once it was a rescue
a beautiful coat of fur, and a minimally swollen vulva, had a huge tumor.
The history was of fur loss the season before by the previous owner, and
that was what we went on. He was a little hesitant because the fur was


On Tue, 22 Jul 2003 03:59:54 +0100 (BST) writes:
> Finally, my vet called me tonight...
> She said Cookie is in great shape, OK he's a small ferret (2 pounds)
> and we don't have to worry since hairloss is not bigger.... She said
> we can wait to see the evolution.... She also said there's one
> bloodtest which is very expensive in Tenessee(US) but it's not
> really necessary. She wants me to take an appointment for Cookie in
> a month so we will be able to see ... How come vets seems always to
> wait in Adrenal Disease? Is-it to be sure of the diagnostic?

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