Message Number: SG5467 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Steve Austin
Date: 2003-07-22 22:30:05 UTC
Subject: if it's Adrenal Disease/part 2
Message-ID: <>

It depends on how much it seems like Adrenal disease. If it is classic
hair loss pattern
I wouldn't wait much at all, maybe just a month to prepare for the
surgery ( financially,

If it is very little that makes you think he is adrenal, maybe just a
little thinning on the tail
only or no hair loss than wait and see- if it progresses.

Also, look for other signs of adrenal disease. My boy had only thinning
on his rump
and if he was wet you could tell, or if you blow the hair around and look
close you could
see dry skin and thinning. he also had a rough coat.

Look for inappropriate behaviors, like mating, marking, straining to pee,
In females the swollen vulva, nesting behaviors ( licking,
Of course this is usually all a change in behavior, I have a male since
he was a year old that
is a bit aggressive towards others.

Consistently I have seen thinning at the rump, over the tops of the feet,
coarse, dry coat
and skin.

I almost rather have the obvious signs than the waiting and worrying and
second guessing,
but the ferrets don't read the text books ( I think that is Dr. William's

If there is a ferret vet in your area, who does a lot of surgeries a
year, that is the best
one to decide- many times that vet will know pretty well on exam, and
can even palpate the adrenal gland (which is unusual anyway).


On Tue, 22 Jul 2003 20:07:47 +0000 "Linda St-Onge" <>
> Thanks for your message...
> You have a really good explanation of why vets want to wait.... and
> I
> agree...
> You seem to have good experience and knowledge in Adrenal
> Disease..<snip>