Message Number: SG5525 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Pam Sessoms
Date: 2003-07-27 15:31:06 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] CoQ10, anybody using it?
Message-ID: <>

> Just wondering how many of you are usind CoQ10 for cardiomyopathy
> ferrets. If so, how does it work for your fuzzie and what is the proper
> dosage most people are using?

I don't currently have anyone with cardiomyopathy (knock on wood...), but
I've used it on a couple of old lady ferrets in the past. I think from an
earlier post, you might have found one of my messages about that in the

Anyway. The cardiologist my vet consulted with about my first
cardiomyopathy girl, Sunny, suggested a dose of about 30 mg a day for my
ferret, who weighed about 1 kg. He suggested the dose be split up into 3
smaller doses, so we did that. She was on a bunch of meds so this was no
big deal; it all just went into her gravy. I found 30 mg capsules at the
health food store and opened them up and simply sprinkled about 1/3rd of a
cap on her gravy 3 times a day.

Sunny did have some initial improvements as seen via improved heart
contracility with her regimen. The CoQ10 was just one part of it though,
so I don't know what, if any, improvement to attribute to it. We
ultimately lost her to her cardiomyopathy, but she lived for quite awhile
with good quality of life and certainly improved over how she was when

My other ferret, Sonic, with this disease didn't improve much no matter
what we did. She had other terminal problems as well and simply never
improved like Sunny did.

Best wishes,
-Pam S.