Trish Black
Date: 2003-08-05 20:27:46 UTC
Subject: Hair loss / Adrenal
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Hello. I have a approx 5 year old sable MF male named Pippin. I just took the ferts in for their yearly vaccinations and the vet noticed he had thinning fur on his back. Just very slight thinning. I took him home and this last week I noticed that his tail hair is getting thin too. I've read enough to know these signs point to adrenal disease. Pippin also has been lethargic and his eyes look tired, not bright and shiny like they're supposed to.
The vet suggested we do a blood panel to see if it can be diagnosed. My question is - will I have to do a blood panel, then exploratory surgery, then the actual removal of the gland? I am trying to find out exactly the best procedure. I have to make sure I get the money together for the surgery and can't spend alot on exploratory surgery or testing. We just lost Merry to lymphoma at the beginning of the year and that was very hard. We paid alot of money for therapy and it only extended her life for a few months.
Please email me directly or respond to the FHL. Any advice is appreciated.
Trish ~ Pippin, Zira & Hannah *missing Merry*