Message Number: SG5710 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-08-08 20:06:03 UTC
Subject: RE: ''Addiction'' to soft foods and other
Message-ID: <>

BTW, I think this is what I am most frightened of, based on my research on the web. Sorry, I don't recall where I found this information:

"Cancer of the pylorus constricts the area and restricts the outflow of food from the stomach. The signs seen are the same as for a GI foreign body. The diagnosis is based on an exploratory surgery and biopsy of the affected tissue. This cancer responds poorly to chemotherapy."

I suspect this because the doctor really thought she had a hairball, but she didn't. (Poops have never been stringy or small). Also he remarked on how the barium was leaving her stomach very slowly.