Message Number: SG5782 | New FHL Archives Search
From: jeanne key
Date: 2003-08-14 23:19:23 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Very mucousy poop
Message-ID: <>

I'm no Vet. but have alot of fuzzy babies that have had what yours does from
time to time. I'm glad they are seeing the Vet. again tonight cuz you can never
be too careful. I do the same thing first. When it's nothing serious I re-think
what they have eatin. When running loose in the house theres no telling what
yummys they've found that someone dropped off their dish. Too much treats,
especially the dried fruits in the 8&1 treats if they pigged out on alot of those,
it will give mine the yellow icky poop. Some of mine will get icky runny poop in
real hot weather too, even thought they have an air conditioned room, and they
are only indoor animals. Do you ever give yours fresh cut up fruits and or
veggies? I find that sometimes if mine eat too much melon or grapes (which
they all love) their poop will be like that. So if your Vet. finds nothing wrong,
then check out what they have been eating and how much. That could be the
problem too many snackies.
Good luck, Jeanne