Message Number: SG5791 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Steve Austin
Date: 2003-08-15 16:26:55 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] coughing
Message-ID: <>

How long has he been coughing? I had a bad cold go through my ferrets
about a month ago, the sneezing was congested sounding, not really a
and no eye discharge or nasal discharge, about 3 got it and it took about
2 weeks each to clear it. The vet said either allergies or a cold, but
since it seemed
to go from one to the other, I figured a cold.

I don't think a fan would cause a cough, a cough is more likely upper
infection ( or allergies I guess), or from the lungs.
Just because you are saying a cough and not a sneeze,
perhaps a vet visit and a CXR would
help differentiate between something medical and something just

If it is truely self limited, meaning the cough is only for a brief time
goes away as soon as you move the ferret, then it probably is not
but I still would have the vet check him out if his breathing is rattely
as you


On Fri, 15 Aug 2003 12:56:39 +0100 (BST) writes:
> Our Tibbie has coughing fits occasionally and rattely breathing. He
> seems to cough when there are a lot of fans on in the house. He does
> get really hot though when it's humid. So we leave the fans on and I
> put a thin cotton blanket over him so he can still get the air just
> not directly on his face. When he coughs I get him up and have him
> walk around that seems to clear it out of his throat then put the
> blanket over him.
> Angelica

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