Message Number: SG5939 | New FHL Archives Search
From: jeanne key
Date: 2003-09-02 22:38:56 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] How can you tell if there is mucus in the stool?
Message-ID: <>

Mucus in their stool is pretty easy to see since ferrets normally have a solid stool, brown in color. Anything loose, very runny,discolored, slimy looking, greenish or yellowish and smells bad. I would make an appt. with the Vet. for a total check up and bring along a fresh sample. He would be the best one to know whats wrong and how to treat it. wrote:
I am the same person who posted the message about the lethargic ferret. I am trying to "do my homework" as it were, concerning problems that ferrets develop. several things with lethargic ness as symptoms also have the symptom of mucus in the stool. How obvious is this if you are looking at the stool? since i have never closely inspecded ferret fecies before, i'm not sure if it looks normal or not.

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