Message Number: SG5991 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-09-08 03:39:43 UTC
Subject: Mystery Disease/Beeker/WHO SURVIVED?
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Many wonderful people have come forth to share stories and health information with me and with my vets on this "mystery disease" and I am now aware of TWO fuzzies who have survived with similar symptoms..only tests can/could confirm if the disease/condition is the same.
The only specific test I can remember with any certainty is Beeker's WBC count which rose from 15,000 to 31,000 during the week and prior to surgery. I feel confident reporting only what I have observed as far as his presenting symptoms and condition that I perceive, and that is subjective, of course, not scientific or necessarily medically valid. For instance, some of his behavior/symptoms are due to fever, crankiness..I would not have known that except for the knowledge of the vets!
Will keep in touch, thank you.