Message Number: SG6037 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-09-12 02:38:29 UTC
Subject: mystery disease/Beeker/WHO SURVIVED???
Message-ID: <>

I have path reports here and will type them for all those who would want th=
is information.

Clinical Diagnosis: SEPSIS
1. Mild lymphocytic gastritis
2. Mild tomoderate eosinophilic enteritis with migration through muscular t=
unics, small intestine.
3. Mind multifocal eosinophilic lymphadenitis, both lymph nodes
4. Mild neutrophilic hepatitis.
5. Mild islet lyperplasia, pancreas
6. Extrameduallary hemotopoiesis, spleen.

Comment: Histologic changes are surprisingly mild for the history, and it i=
s possible that more severe inflammatory lesions may be present in tissues =
that are not represented. Some mild gasstric inflammation was noted associ=
atd with mild mucosal mineralization, likely due to dehydration associated =
with high fever. Some of the inflammation could also be related to Helicob=
acter infection or some other form of inflammatory bowel disease. The infl=
ammation in the small intestine is predominantly eosinophilic, and there is=
some migration of eosinophils through muscular tunics. Some eosinophilic i=
nflammation is also noted in both of the lymph nodes, but the eosinophil in=
filtrate is mind. The eosinophilia may be associated with dietary intoleran=
ce or parasitism in the gut, although no parasites were seen. Lymphangitis=
was not seen in the examined tissues, but this could also represent an ear=
ly form of eosinophilic granulomatous disease, for which the eosinophilic g=
ranuloms are not represented in the biopsies. Some mild islet hyperplasia =
was noted in the pancreas, and periodic monitoring of serum gloucose levels=
is recommended. There was also some very mild neutrophilic inflammation i=
n the liver, likely due to low grade baterical septicemia, possibly arising=
from the gut.

Presently Beeker is coming home and will continue on Ciprofloxacin and Amik=

