Message Number: SG6127 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Northern
Date: 2003-09-25 03:36:11 UTC
Subject: Bruno....Update
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It has been about a month or so since I last updatedabout my boy. Bruno is=
doing super! An ultra-soundwas done on him a couple of weeks ago and the =
prostatewas very visible. So the DVM aspirated it and 2cc ofpus were withd=
rawn. It was cultured and nothing grew. Last week he I took him in again a=
nd had the prostateaspirated again. When I got him home he had thelargest =
BM I ever saw him have and he urinated a smalllake. My boy dooks and dance=
s every chance he getsnow. It=92s good to see him happy once more.Currentl=
y he is still taking .06 cc of Baytril 2qd,.02 cc Pred 1qd and .03 melatoni=
n 1qd. He is going inagain next week for another check up and the DVMbelie=
ves that we will be able to stop the antibioticand I=92m already weaning of=
f the pred. He was doing 1cc 1qd, then .05 and .02. He believes that he w=
ill beon the melatonin for life. Others have told me thatthis is not the a=
nswer if he is adrenal but at long asit works for now this will be the rout=
e we will take. My DVM said it has worked in 50% of the ferrets he hastreat=
ed. Lupron and surgery is still an option ifneed be but we still are not s=
ure if he is goingadrenal. He still has none of the classic signs. Iwrote=
DVM XXX directly from his web site monthago for his opinion but he has nev=
er returned myemail.So far so good. My boy is happy and he is finallygrowi=
ng back the hair he lost from being shaved forsurgery (spleen removed) and =
blood giving.Thanks every one!Mike Northern[A moderator's note: there can b=
e many reasons for not getting replies, from someone never recieving an inq=
uiry, to the reply from that individual not received by the questioner, to =
the person targeted being ill, to that individual not being able to reach =
a computer for a while, etc. Therefore, since the name inclusion was somet=
hing which lends nothing to the discussion but might detract from it the na=
me has been removed. Just so you know how and why I made that choice... =

End of ferrethealth Digest