Message Number: SG6169 | New FHL Archives Search
From: "Megan Cooper"
Date: 2003-09-29 18:39:33 UTC
Subject: Sick Ferret
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I currently have a female albino ferret who I think is sick. She's had
diarriha off and on for about 2 weeks. She's very skinny, and sleeps all of
the time. She's sluggish and reluctant to get up to play when she's been
asleep. Once she's awake, she plays with the other ferrets just fine, but
she tends to go back to her cage to sleep after about 20 minutes, or just
drop and sleep where she is, whereas the others will stay out for over an
hour if allowed. She also has what looks like a ringworm spot on her side.
Please let me know what might be wrong with her, and what I can do for her
as well.
