Date: 2003-10-10 00:28:13 UTC
Subject: RE: i need help with biting!
Message-ID: <>
have you tried washing EVERYTHING? and i mean everything, toys, bedding,
cage, ferrets, dishes...this way no scent is dominant, except yours. try the
most favorite ferret liquid treat on both of them after bath time, let them lick it
off. no matter how awful they sound, just let them fight it out to assume
dominance. keep an eye out for blood shed. if pee and poop keeps up, it is
scaring him too much. give him a breather and cage side by side to get used
to each other. sigh. i know you probablly have heard it all by now. but just to
help. the dominance thing is very strong in ferts i've noticed. i just applied
these methods from my other animals and they have worked. good luck and
don't give up hope!