Message Number: SG6385 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2003-10-20 18:03:37 UTC
Subject: kidney diease
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Subj: Kidney problems
Date: 10/18/2003 7:15:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: SPED103
Hello, It seems that my 5 1/2 year old boy, Sammy, has kidney disease or the beginnings of kidney failure. The values are:
BUN 103 Normal is 10-33
Creatinine 4.6 Normal is 0.2-0.8
Phosphorus 8.6 Normal is 4.2-8.5
The vet gave us Carafate ( dosage 0.3cc twice aday) and Pepcid (1mg/ml) dosage is 0.65 twice aday. Sammy's urine sample is clean so there is no infection. We are also giving subcutaneous fluids in the amount of 15ml twice a day. Sammy had an ultrasound done on Friday, yesterday, and the vet said everything looked good. He does have a large spleen, which we knew about.

I feed a mix of 8-1 Ultimate, Zupreem, Totally Ferret(somethimes) and Petsmart's brand of Authority Kitten. And of course, one cube of Bob Church's chicken gravy a day.

I guess what I am asking is, Is there anything else we can or should be doing for Sammy to get his kidneys back on track. Our vet suggested adding cooked egg whites and taking out the Kitten food in my mix.

Sammy has also had both Adrenals removed and is on 1/4 tab. of Florinef a day and Pred.( 20mg. tab. mixed with 6.7cc of ferretone) given at a dosage of 0.08ml twice aday.

Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appriecated.

Thank you,

A Worried Dianna