Message Number: SG6435 | New FHL Archives Search
From: "Sue Liszewski"
Date: 2003-10-24 06:38:43 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Severe Tremors
Message-ID: <>

Sad to say it could be one of the rare types of presentation for lymphoma.
I haven't seen it in a young ferret but have in a young dog. I have seen it
in an older ferret that had 4 types of cancer one of which was lymphoma 1
1/2 years prior in surgery. I have seen a rare nervous system form of it
but usu it is not the only form we see skin or lymphadeopathy. Certainly
any inflammation in the brain could cause it too. I suppose the
inflammation could explain the lymphadenopathy too, but the CBC doesn't
support it. If you are able to keep him stable I would see if you can get a
biopsy if you have not already. Even a needle biopsy of the lymph node
might help a bit (no guarentees though the diagnosisi is easier made with an
actual biopsy). I had seen a 10 month old with a fur ball foreign body in
the intestine but also turned out to have the same mass you describe in her
chest. I posted her and found that the thymus had ben affected and totally
surrounded the entire heart and compressed it making the condition so much
worse, and as you can see the prognosis even worse. I am sorry I can't
think of anything more positive that you could treat, but if he's stable
enough after the biopsy I think prednisolone and antibiotics may be worth a
shot. I suppose if cost were not an issue and you had means a CT or MRI
could answer more questions too, but I don't know how stable he is. GOOD
LUCK and I will keep my thought positve for him.

Susan Liszewski DVM

>Subject: [ferrethealth] Severe Tremors
>Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2003 05:31:24 +0100 (BST)
>I have a 10 mo old MF 3 lb male ferret.Was walking and eating normal.
>Rescued 9-28,went to foster home 9-29. Foster preceeded to bath same nite
>w/herbal shampoo.Was put w/other ferret 2 days later,"uncompatable" so
>seperated.Was feeding TF & Pro-plan Kitten. Using stove pellets for litter.
>A few days later was lethargic, not walking,would leave mouth open,had
>slight twitching. Brought back.
> 10-9.Had head tremors and whole body twitching.Only way to describe is
>he appeared to have Cerebal Palsy.Labs done 10-9
> X-rays wnl, Urinalysis wnl, Chem: Alk 8 , AST 129, TP 7.8, Glob 3.5, Glu
>95, Calc 10.1,CBC: HGB 18.9, HCT 62.5, Mono 6, Eosin 9, AbsoNeut 2788, Abso
>Lymp 2992. ADV neg. All else wnl
> 10-21: Tremors worse.He wants to eat but can't unless I hold his
>head.Gets worse when I take him out to feed him.Can't stand.Will sleep
>without trembling. New Blds: TP 8.0, Glob 3.8, Calcium 10.4, Mono 4, Eosin
>4, all else wnl.
> X-ray- Large lymph node top of heart(same size as heart) and
>lymphnodes enlarged in abdomen.
>Any one see anything like this?
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