"Sue Liszewski"
Date: 2003-11-10 07:20:29 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Relief for labored breathing. Lance has a Lung Tumor
Message-ID: <>
Do you have him on any meds? Consider ultrasound here to see exactly where
it is and rule the heart out. If your vet aspiratied the mass (even if
inadvertantly did he so any cytology to confirm anything? Depending on the
cause, if it is primary cancer despite the type I try them on Prdnisolone or
Dexamethasone, sometimes a bronchodialater (aminophyliine) and if there is
fluid of any kind there a diuretic may help (lasiix/salix). You need to
monitor hydration and see how comfortable you can keep him, if it is
lymphoma it may reduce the inflam enough to make him feel better, Some
animals compensate very well and despite the looks of their breathing do
okay. I think more liquidy diets, gruel instead of kibble will make it
easier to breath and eat at the same time. I think that is the largest
quandry, they get to a point where they need to choose between eating and
breathing and guess which ine wins. Once you get to a point where he won't
eat know that it is pretty bad. Also in case your vet did not mention it,
these things can cause them to throw emboli (blood clots) some are really
bad depending on where they land and it is possble for then either to just
fall over dead quickly and suddenly or just go in their sleep. I had one
with cardiomyopathy and he went in his sleep, but he filled out well and
looked great until the end. He lasted 6 months past diagnosis and that was
back in the '80's when we had less options. I hope some of this is helpful.
I will always try to come up with a way to pull rabbits out of my hat or
find that magic bullet but we can't always so try anything within reason,
You can even go alternative in addition to conventional medicine. Find a
good Apothecary in your area and see it they have a pet section. Meds are
sold by system specific priblems not nec the name of the medicine. I often
combine therapies and sometimes have success with it. GOOD LUCK!
Dr. Sue
>Subject: [ferrethealth] Relief for labored breathing. Lance has a Lung
>Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 03:40:17 +0000 (GMT)
>I have a ferret of 5 years old or so and he has been given a diagnosis of
>lung tumors. When I originally brought him in to the vet it was because he
>was having a weight loss issue and I was concerned about it and his new
>shallow breathing. The vet took an X-ray and found either fluid or masses
>in his lungs and I opted for a chest tap to see if it was fluid. There was
>a little fluid, I was told, and most of that fuild seemed to be blood. The
>vet had dificulty with the tap because he kept hitting a solid mass in
>Lance's chest. The vet gave him a shot of pred and lasix. It has been a
>week and 2 days since the last visit and he has gained back a lot of
>weight, but his breathing is really labored now, after a few days of
>relief. Is there anything that I can do to ease his labored breathing? I
>don't believe he is ready to leave just yet because he still likes to run
>around the house and chase the cats.
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