Message Number: SG6740 | New FHL Archives Search
From: "djferg"
Date: 2003-11-25 16:53:40 UTC
Subject: Pencil Eraser Eaten
To: <>
Message-Id: <>

I could really use some advice! I have 3 ferrets, 2 are together in 1 cage and 1 is by herself. Yesterday I found a pencil in my room with the eraser (not sure if it had one of those big ones you can put on when the other one is gone) chewed off. I'm always careful about leaving anything on the floor but must have either dropped it or not closed my packpack all the way. I found bits of eraser in the litter box of both cages. I talked to mary at the ferret shelter and she said to keep any eye out for eating changes, not going to the bathroom or becoming ill. Has anyone had this happen? I was thinking of taking all three to the vet to be x-rayed. What do you all think?
I really appreciate any and all help! I'm feeling so paranoid and guilty!!