Message Number: SG6754 | New FHL Archives Search
From: "April Armstrong Campbell"
Date: 2003-11-26 07:23:34 UTC
Subject: Bandit-torn cruciate ligament ferret
To: <>
Message-ID: <004101c3b3ee$33dbff70$7543bd42@bigbox>

FYI, Bandit's torn ligament seems to be healing well on its own, and he is =
now starting to put weight on it again. =

I would, however, still be interested in seeing the records/office notes/su=
rgical reports from the ferret who had a TPLO/cruciate repair surgery-my or=
thopedic surgeon at my clinic and I are VERY interested! I had received pr=
ivate email from that ferret's owner, but have not heard back as to whether=
or not they'd be willing to share that info, and I can't find the original=
private email from that person to get their addy. =

Thanks, and Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

-April AC