Message Number: SG6812 | New FHL Archives Search
From: <>
Date: 2003-12-02 21:15:50 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] RE: I think Adrenal is coming back ...
To: <>
Cc: <>
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Hi, Linda, and everyone else,
> If Cookie had already his left gland removed ... and the Adrenal
> symptoms are here again, that means it's a bilateral problem ... so
> does that mean it's malignant ?

Not necessarily.
> If he has another surgery for the right gland with success, can
> Adrenal still be back again, I mean spread to other organs in the
> future ?

It can, and we lost a ferret that way. However, it's VERY rare.
> If I choose the Lupron treatment, how long his life can be extended ?

Lupron doesn't extend life. It masks symptoms. It's a great answer for a
ferret who isn't a surgical candidate because it improves quality of life.

I understand you're not sure it's adrenal again yet. Sukie suggested the
Tennessee Panel, and I agree it would be worth it because it may let you
know for sure. Then you can plan accordingly.

If it were one of mine, and if I was sure, and if our vet felt he could
tolerate surgery, well... we've had two ferrets have second adrenal
It's terribly cold in Quebec in the winter, isn't it? Lots of snow? Maybe
you and Cookie would enjoy a nice vacation in Florida while he recuperates :)

All the best,
Caity and the exuberant eight