Message Number: SG7101 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Ferret Wise Shelter
Date: 2003-12-16 04:35:12 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Paralysis in the rear
Message-Id: <>

It is possible that she threw a blood clot during her anaphylactic reaction.

If this is the case the clot on the spine would cause these problems.
Has the vet considered this?
We saw a 3 year old shelter ferret boy lose his life to a cardiac condition
which caused several times over blood clots to settle on the spine.

I hope they can quickly uncover the source of the problem & treat it for you.

Alicia at Ferret Wise

>1.- Aprox. 2 months ago she received her annual shots as always, canine
>and distemper, when this time for some reason she had a reaction at the
>vets office. He immediately following administered I believe benadryil, if
>memory is correct, and after about an hr or so she seemed to come back
>around and we went home.
>2 - Aprox. 3 to 4 weeks later we noticed that she was favoring her right
>rear leg. She at first was limping and then a week later was not even
>using it. We took her in and she was put on amoxicillin and a steroid.
>3 - A week later she was taken back to the vet as she seems to be getting
>worse. This time she seems to have some control over bladder but no
>sensation of a full bladder. She is also "dragging" both rear legs now.
>She still seems to eat and drink ok and has some energy but seems to be
>loosing control of movement in the rear. ( its limp / lifeless almost )
>4 - Took molly for xrays saturday but they showed nothing conclusive.