Message Number: SG7125 | New FHL Archives Search
From: susan hayes
Date: 2003-12-18 04:01:38 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] prednisone....sick
Message-ID: <>

My name is Susan and I have 12 ferrets now. I one of my ferrets has insulimomoa too,
hes also on pred to and has been for a year now, Obie is 5 years old and yes he sleeps alot he will play but like just for about an hour or so out of the whole 24 hours, I give him his pred twice a day. yes hes wet arund the mouth the pred make him do that more i think. he hardly eats but drinks alot of water. I know its just matter of time that my Obie will be going over the rainbow. I wish there was a cure for the insulimoma, the last few days im having to force feed him and he fight me on it. Does anyone have any ideas on how u can get a ferret to eat. I run a Ferret rescue and adoption and Obie was my first ferret with this problem and i feel im not doing enough for him.hope i helped some.
Faroke,Airess,Maxwell,Rocky,Obie,Baskin,Robin,Musk,Babygirl,Precious,Alby,IttyBitty and of course mom, wrote:
Hi Everyone,
Thanks for being here. I just started Bud on pred for his insulimoma. I think that his belly is upset but I'm not sure. He keeps "licking his chops", over and over again. I'm not noticing him gaging but he is wet around the mouth area. does this sound familiar to anyone?
please help, I am very upset that he is under the weather.

also, is 7 years old, really old for a ferret. how much activity can they take in a day. do they sleep more than play?

sorry to be such a bother
bud, missy and mom.

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