Date: 2004-08-17 11:29:23 UTC
Subject: RE: [ferrethealth] Insulinoma treatment & medication amounts HELP!
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His vet appointments are usually in the morning, when his BG is low. Last week it
was obviously low, he was a little shaky, so the vet didn't want to put him through
the trama of taking it. We have compared the vets results with our machine and it's
usually fairly close 5-10 off. The problem with monotoring at the vets is that he has
to knocked out everytime and they'd have to do it at least three times in a day. Then
he'd have to stay at the vets. If his put in a cage he'll bang on the cage and bite the
wire. Plus he wouldn't eat all day since he'll only eat at home. I can pretty much tell
by the way he acts what his BG is. It was much better yesterday and he's been pretty
good this morning. I am looking into other alternatives, like dexamethasone (SP??). I
think there is still plenty of hope for him. If all else fails I see nothing wrong with
giving him more than max, what will it hurt. At that point he has nothing else to