Message Number: SG10157 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-08-20 18:04:11 UTC
Subject: re: Ferret Question
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A sty on the eyelid? I currently have a ferret that has one. It seems
to be rectifying itself quickly, but it bothers him some. I was told they can
be contagious and it needs an optical antibiotic ointment such as erythomycin?
I know this is naughty, but I have a recent prescription for that myself
that I can no longer use, so I've begun to put it on his eye lid.
Rocky boy has gotten thicker eye lids in his old age. If you gently push
around the area so the lid goes inside out a bit, you can see that there are
colorless, smooth growths. Tiny ones. This has never seemed to bother him.
No other ferret has this sort of thing however. He gets more as he gets old.
I was just curious, if this is a common "old age benign growth" thing that
ferrets can get. His vet has never seen such a thing but is not worried in the
least. Where do they come from?
