Message Number: SG10164 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Caitlyn Martin
Date: 2004-08-20 19:13:24 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Going Blind??
Message-ID: <>

Hi, Jennifer, and everyone else,

> Koda has started to flinch when you go to pet him on
> his head or upper shoulders neck area, even if you
> are already holding him.

I would wonder if that's pain or discomfort of some
sort rather than loss of vision. I've had two ferrets
go blind and one had more limited vision before he
died. None have ever reacted that way. Yes, I'd have
a vet check him out.

IME ferrets seem to adjust to blindness. There is a
relatively brief period of bumping things and
depression, which leads to a reduction in activity.
After that they seem to adjust really well and start
running all over the place again so long as you don't
rearrange things.

If Koda is losing his sight there are many things that
can cause it. Our Kodo developed cataracts at about
age nine, and Podo, who was almost 10 when he died,
was developing them as well. Tenchi was blind the
last three months of his life and that proved to be a
symptom of spreading lymphosarcoma. Any time you
suspect a ferret is losing his sight I would get him
to the vet to see if the cause requires some

The usual disclaimer applies: I am not a vet, just a
moderately experienced ferret owner.

All the best,
Caity and the fantastic four