Message Number: SG10341 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-08-30 20:42:44 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Digest 28 Aug 2004 18:11:11-0000 Issue 771
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BTW, some markings with DIFFERENT genetic causes which should not be lumped with blazes and pandas include:

1. ferrets who roan into having these markings or have such markings only seasonally. The pigment absence from neural crest varients like Kit is not acquired.
2. ferrets with cleanly margined, symetrical and complete mitts and bibs without extraneous spotting. These markings used to be far more prevalent and have never in themselves been considered to be a cause of any health or longevity problems. (In fact, our own experiences was that with one exception -- who had some funny genetics due to a different breeder aim -- they have been smart, long lived,and strong. This clean and complete marking type is hard to find these days.
3. DEW, albinos, silvers, marked whites -- all of whom have different genetic causes. Their light markings can hide any neural crest genetics the individuals might also have, but since there is no way to know which of these individuals have also inherited neural crest genetics and which have not they can not be lumped with this grouping. There is no reason that I have heard to think that there might be any related serious health problems (variable expression or not) from the genetics which lead to those markings.