Message Number: SG10441 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-09-03 16:01:55 UTC
Subject: RE: some urolith information
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The TYPE of crystals will mean a lot if any further care is needed, so hopefully they were able to determine that.

>is a first for me and it's been difficult trying to get this business cleared up. Do >you know if crystals and uroliths are recurring?

Sometimes, yes, which is where know the type becomes important, because there are different solutions for different types, different cautions in the direction of the Urinary pH, different causes...

Close in the same time frame, though, a person can be seeing some crystals that simply remained. Now and then that can even happen after surgery as when two got lodged in Hilbert's urethra. (For how that was handled and the options discussed it pays to search under his name at the FHL Archives at