Message Number: SG10534 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2004-09-11 00:07:08 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Just had surgery
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Carafate is a RX.

Have you tried making "duck soup"? I have two sick ones here and they refused the chicken baby food too. I was at my witts end, because my male was down to 513 grams (about 1 lb.)and being forced the baby food and water. I would take him in for sub-Q fluids too. He did better after the fluid injections. But I had to do something, so I tried the "duck soup". Both of my ferrets love the stuff. They actually want to lick it up, whether it be off of my finger, off a spoon or plate. When they were full, I would syringe feed them more, to get the weight back up to normal. After two days of duck soup my male had put on some weight. They have been on the duck soup for about ten days and my male is back to his normal weight of 690 grams or 1.5 lbs.

For my male, he was on 20 grams of food every four hours, except when I was sleeping. He was feed five times a day. I have since let up on how much both of them are getting, but I make sure they both eat because they aren't eating kibble yet. They've gotten spoiled!

Here is a link for the duck soup that I used. I didn't use some of the ingridents. I just used pedialyte, ensure, ground up food, a can of A/D food, a jar of chicken baby food, ferretone and ferretvite.

My female was so stressed at being fed the baby food, she developed a snort. So be very careful. Try the duck soup. It will probably be easier on you. It did take two people to feed my female the baby food. Now she willingly eats off of a plate. I know I wish I had tried this when they first initially became sick.

Good luck and I hope this has helped!

Author wrote:
> Where can I find Carafate? Is it an RX? I will try the local pharmacy here later today.
> [Moderator's Note: It is a prescription medication. Many pharmacies carry the liquid
> version which is the easier one to give normally. Your vet's hospital can call the
> pharmacy with a prescription or you can get it from many vets directly, though not
> all have the liquid.]